
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine phosphate pills

Stephen M. Hahn said in the statement. Fortunately, clinical trials are well underway. In February, there were seven clinical trials registered in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry with the goal of testing whether COVID infections could be treated with hydroxychloroquine, a derivative of chloroquine that is less toxic. In addition, the University of Minnesota is studying whether taking hydroxychloroquine can protect people living with infected COVID patients from catching the virus themselves.

Both drugs are generally well tolerated at prescribed doses but can cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache and more rarely, itchiness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC — important information that was left out of Trump's description of the drug. When asked what she'd like the American public to learn from her experience, the woman told NBC News, "Be careful and call your doctor. Originally published on Live Science.

Written and presented in a style that makes even the most complex subjects interesting and easy to understand, How It Works is enjoyed by readers of all ages. View Deal. Live Science. After President Trump said the drug showed promising results for treating COVID, an Arizona couple tried self-medicating with the drug and poisoned themselves.

The man is now dead. One minor quibble — malaria and trypanosomes are quite distinct parasites. Chloroquine target Plasmodium species, the causal agent of malaria. Anti-trypanosomals including ethidium bromide and arsenicals are another interesting set of compounds with non-benign toxicity profiles.

Trypanosomes cause African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease. Jeez, I feel like, as an in vivo guy, I knew this already. I have been instinctively self-dosing with quinine mixed with an organic solvent supplemented with a naturally occurring source of vitamin C. Hi it is amazing!

Thanks for sharing this paper. It seems to be published in I prescribe Plaquenil extensively in patients with autoimmune conditions. The safety profile of this drug is excellent. It is also still used for malaria prophylaxis in healthy individuals. The question is : does it work for Covid19 prevention and treatment?


What i can tell you that I am aware of a number of doctors in the US who are currently infected or waiting for results who are taking the drug. And I cannot blame them. Viruses need cellular receptors to gain an entry into the cell. Hence we have to deform the configuration of the cellular receptors. What are the major receptors?. Chloroquine alters the glycosylation of the ACE2 receptors and hence may be useful. Nimesulide may be useful against COX2 receptors. These two drugs are anti-inflammatory drugs, which alter receptors and would prevent virus entry into the cell.

What about the protease inhibitor camostat mesilate which has shown in studies to have a fold reduction of viruses that attach to TMPRSS2 on lung cells…. How very scientific. Inhibition of viral replication is a proven tactic, reduction of viral load which allows the host immune system to clear the virus. Read more. Salutations Mr Lowe! I would like to thank you for being the informative voice of reason in those troubled times. I would also like to know your opinion, and all the facts you can give us, on quercetin. It is currently in our local news here in Quebec since a research group Dr.

I have put the link to the news story in the website field. All I know about quercetin is, that for me anyway, it works better than antihistamines to suppress the symptoms of my pollens allergies, but it requires frequent and massive dose to works against allergy, probably because it has a poor bioavailability. Again, many thanks for your blog, you are a darn good writer! Sorry if my writing is dubious, English is my second language. It tends to hit a lot of proteins, so you can find all sorts of activities if you look for them. That said, the data will tell the story.

A challenge to the explanation of quercetin bioactivity was represented, until recently, by the contradiction between its extremely low plasma concentration after oral administration and the demonstrable systemic effects. Apparently this doctor with a lot of street cred at one point the 6th most cited scientist in the world in Montreal is starting clinical trials of Quercetin. Already raised 1m.

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine: What to know about the potential coronavirus drugs - CNN

Past work from the SARS epidemic. The cytotoxicity of quercetin was very low, with a CC50 of 3. That is why it works in cells in vitro. From what I have read it is not very effective against viruses in vivo. My pleasure, Apthorp old chap. Pity old Ritchie-Hook blew himself up last time round on that last spot of biffing. Would have had a whale of a time this show rounding up errant civilians. Good to see that Capt Corante fellow doing a wizard job, a true Officer and Gentleman.

No higher praise to a yankee from a mere limey than that. Curcumin will raise serum zinc levels — zinc plus curcumin plus quercetin may mimic the action cholorquine in fighting COVID Whether it works in people is another question.

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The one thing I can think of about those in vitro studies is that the lack of Zn in cells without the chloroquine is very simplistic since lots of things could theoretically chelate zinc and help facilitate transport into the cell, even without chloroquine. And there is some evidence that quercetin and probably other polyphenols like tumeric can act as dietary ionophores for zinc:. Even short courses of chloroquine present a real risk hemolytic anemia to people with glucosephosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

This condition is not rare especially in people of West African ancestry. This zinc-containing phosphatase- might it also contain iron, and if you ask nicely manganese? If so, I had a similar experience, but never made it to elemental analysis since the molecule had other problems. Hell of a protein… built a lot of character. The coronavirus is yet another example that no one in the biological or chemical sciences has a clue what they are doing….. Hopefully this will wake everyone up to the fact that everyone in their field can spend their whole career as a top scientist and literally be cranking out useless academic junk.

Fair point. Although to be fair the virus has only functionally existed for a few short months we assume. As a chemist done time on the receiving end of cell biology, seems to me that even if biochemistry an order of magnitude or two less fuzzy, still be no mean feat to come up with a therapy in shining armour that could rescue us fast enough. Always great fun pricking over inflated balloons. Thanks for that.

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Fired off to printer and set upon with with highlighter pen. Hard going for old buffer unsteeped in antivirals.

Thrust is that a the? As stated on p , para Plenty to ponder. Thank you highlighter with the green and yellow pens. As concluded on p The possibility of the reemergence of SARS and other novel viruses from animals or laboratories and therefore the need for preparedness should not be ignored.

What is chloroquine?

Scientific findings do not automatically trickle upwards to the powers that be. What efforts were made to make these findings known to authorities? Chloroquine played important part in the MedChem history. It was also at the beginning of the discovery of quinolone class of antibacterials.

During antibacterial screening at Sterling, they screened also some impurities from their chloroquine production and found one of them, 7-chloroethyloxo-1,4-dihydroquinolinecarboxylic acid, active against G - strains. Modification of the structure led to nalidixic acid, the first drug of the class. It has been shown that alteration of N-linked glycans of ACE2 does impair the CoV envelope spike glycoprotein-triggered membrane fusion. If chloroquine would be effective by disturbing the biosynthesis of N-glycans e.

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Indeed numerous derivatives of 1-deoxynojirimycin and castanospermine iminosugars from e. N-butyldeoxynojirimycin Miglustat is an existing drug that reduces the above mentioned fusion in models, but other derivatives are more potent. Antimicrob Agents Chemother , — But it does have such effects in a percentage of the population. My thinking is that if tens of millions of people try to take it prophylactically, we could see some trouble.

Is enough known to write a story on how chloroquine metabolizes differently for people with cytochrome polymorphisms? Nice paper. The EC50s against highly pathogenic CoVs similar.